The anatomy of the brain 脑解剖学
Frontal lobe 大脑额叶
Cerebral cortex 大脑皮层
Parietal lobe 顶叶
Occipital lobe 枕叶
Temporal lobe 颞叶
Brain stem 脑干
Lateral view 侧视图
Cerebellum 小脑
Right frontal lobe 右前额叶
Left frontal lobe 左前额叶
Central sulcus 中央沟
Left parietal lobe 左侧额顶叶
Lateral sulcus 外侧沟
Occipital lobe 枕叶
Brain stem 脑干
Cerebellum 小脑
Right parietal lobe 右顶叶
Optic nerves 视神经
Midbrain 中脑
Right temporal lobe 右侧颞叶
Nerve tracts from the cerebellum 小脑的神经束
Right cerebellar 右侧小脑
Hemisphere 半球
Medulla oblongata 延髓
Spinal cord 脊髓
Left temporal lobe 左颞叶
Left cerebellar hemisphere 左侧小脑半球
Biceps brachii 肱二头肌
Triceps brachii 肱三头肌
Serratus anterior 前锯肌
Rectus femoris 股直肌
Sartorius 缝匠肌
Vastus medialis 股内侧肌
Gastrocnemius 腓肠肌
Soleus 比目鱼肌
Sternocleidomastoid 胸锁乳突肌
Trapezius 斜方肌
Deltoid 三角肌
Infraspinatus 冈下肌
Teres major 大圆肌
Latissimus dorsi 背阔肌
External oblique 外斜肌
Gluteus medius 臀中肌
Gluteus maximus 股大肌
Tensor fasciae latae 阔筋膜张肌
biceps femoris 股二头肌
lliotibial tract 髂胫束
Semitendinosus 半腱肌
Gracilis 股薄肌
Tibialis anterior 胫骨前肌
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